Author / Stacy


17 September Hack

Bathroom Hack

Use a kitchen utensil tray to organize your bathroom toiletries. You’ll get much better use out of one of these in your bathroom drawer than in your kitchen.


16 September Hack

Public Bathroom Hack

Choose the stall closest to the door when you are out.

In a public bathroom, the stall which is closest to the door is usually the cleanest, because it’s the least used.


14 September Hack

Garage Hack

Mouse and rat traps are great storage clips. Drill a hole in one end, and hang your gloves on the pegboard for easy access.


13 September Hack

Garage Hack

To prevent banging your own fingers with a hammer or drill, use a comb to hold nails or tacks when starting them.


12 September Hack

Garage Hack

Sticking doors and drawers can often be remedied with an ordinary bar of soap. Rub a small piece of soap on the area that is sticking, then work the joint a few times.


11 September Hack

Garage Hack

Small canisters and containers are invaluable for storing things. Altoids cans, for example, are perfect for an assortment of drill bits, specialty fasteners, etc.


10 September Hack

Garage Hack

To pick up small metal objects, turn a sandwich bag inside out,place a magnet inside, and pick up the pieces. Turn the bag right-side out, and they are easily stored.


09 September Hack

Garage Hack

When labeling things, put the label on a small piece of tape. This will allow you to easily change, for example, a canister content label as necessary.


08 September Hack

Put a piece of old pantyhose over your shop vac to picks up screws or nails. Place a cloth or plastic over the hose when done to capture the pieces when you turn the vacuum off.